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.Saturday, September 5, 2015 ' 9:29 AM Y
Dear Kiki 
It has already been about 3-4year since you left us . I'm sorry that I am not able to be at your when you left us . I should have be at your side instead of going to school for some pointless CCA .whatever it is what happen had happen it belong to the past now . I hope you can forgive me and remember be as you best buddies and family . Thanks for being there for me for the past 8 years even if other don't ,thanks for consoling me when I am sad .Even if you can't speak human language and I can't understand doggy language but I know deep in your heart you care for us ,care for me . Thinking back , the time with you was my happier life in my entire life because you are always by my side asking me not to cheer up .Ever since you left ,my life have changed tremendously , I am no longer able to share with you what made me sad and what made me happy . I fear of sharing it with other for they might laugh at me for being idiotic . I bottle up everything inside my heart hoping that it will just be buried deep in my heart . I do know that you will wish that I will be able to make new fiends (long lasting friends ) .I do try my very best to make friends with them but they just don't bother about being a real friend to me .Only you will treat me as you real best friends because you will not backstabed me ,you will not badmouth me ,you will not insult me .you are the best ! I hope you can be my side .
Nevertheless , I hope that now in wherever your spirit are , I hope that you can be extremely happy playing with your  buddies .I hope that you can still remember them .For when I die I will look for you .
Your sincerely 
Your buddy and also family 


.Tuesday, August 18, 2015 ' 8:59 AM Y
Many people might have dream of you being a prince or a princess . All they want is someone who will be their side when they need it , dote and shower them with love .However , as the society is very realistic , people slowly hide their princess or prince side away from others .Because in this world ,there will be some people who will look down and insult a person just because of his / her look or the background that they are in . Those people who judge a person by their look are actually the uglies in the world .Because they never reflect on themselves whether they ownself are really "beautiful or handsome " .One always said " The looks of a person does not matters ,what matters is the heart of that person ."hence I think that people nowadays should not judge a book by it covers as you will never that a handsome or beautiful person might be the most Nasty and evil person in the world while that people whom you taught is ugly has an angel heart and will forgive you no matter how bad did you treat him or her in the past and they will still help you either in term of money or lending a shoulder for you to lean on or lending a listening ear to listen to you .
Guys ,although some people whom you constantly insult did not response to your insult it doesn't mean that he/she is ignorant ,it is just that they bottle it up in those heart .it'll still hurt them when you insulted them .


.Monday, August 10, 2015 ' 1:57 AM Y
Yesterday mark the end of SG 50 birthday ! 50 year ago Singapore was just a third word country and because of the hard work of all the pioneer generation and of course our founding father Mr lee kuan yew , some other people from the parliament and opposition party that Singapore is now a first world country .I would like to to a big thank you to all of you to forgetting those army, police and some other military who keep us safe from being attack .It's because of them that Singapore is now a almost 100% safe country .Hopufully , this situation will continues and we will be able to celebrate SG 100 ( if I am able to live till that time ) Go ,go, go! Let's us continue the Singapore sprit ,the selfie Sprit , the singlish sprit and 2k sprit (kiasu and Kiasi)


.Thursday, May 28, 2015 ' 8:44 AM Y
When you buy a pets ,you should take good care of it for it entire life till it pass away .pets of just like your child ,just to imagine it if it was you abandon your own child with the story stated below :
One fine day ,you went to pick up your youngest daughters /sons from a shop and you brought her home .When your family saw her they fall in love with her immediately as she was too adorable .Days after days ,you and your family treat her like a princess however thing start to change when she start to misbehave and you began to be sick of her presence .You can't stand her even for an hour hence you drove your car and brought her back to the remote place and you throw her favorite toy in a great distance but when she ran towards her toy you walk away and drove your car back home leaving her behind ......"
How would you feel? Sad?Happy ?
Please ! Put yourself in those pets Shoes just imagine if you was the girl from the above story .





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